Marbled Heron

Village children brought us this bird. He was suffering from pneumonia and enteritis, had a corneal ulcer on his left eye and had neurological disorders. We thought he had no chance of survival, but could not bring ourselves to euthanize him. So we treated him with everything we had available at the time: Antibiotics, classical medicine and force feeding. The marbled heron recovered amazingly quickly and after a month of care was released on the banks of the Ribeira River. A truly uplifting feeling - in both senses.


Severely ill

Marmorreiher 1 in Behandlung

Marmorreiher 2 in der Pflege

In Pflege Marmorreiher beim Fischen

Marmorreiher nach dem ersten freien Flug

Free again

Marmorreiher auf dem Pfad der Freiheit